Opening show of the 2024 Europe Tour!!
We will use this thread to coordinate how we record the full setlist, including teases and other show notes. If you hear a tease, please leave a reply and note which song it occurred within.
- Am I In Heaven? [intro jam; Witchcraft tease; Iron Lung quote…]
- Flamethrower [debut! no outro]
- [shout-out to Grace Cummings]
- Witchcraft
- Supercell
- Crumbling Castle >
- 4th Colour [jammy]
- This Thing [quote of ZZ Top]
- Iron Lung [Hypertension tease] >
- Hypertension [Wah Wah tease?? Hell’s Riff? Flamethrower outro tease? Han-Tyumi, Magma, Ice V teases?? Laminated Denim quote?!] >
- Work This Time [jam w/Extinction drumbeat]
- Magma
- FAFYL [somewhat abrupt ending due to hard curfew]
Poster by @AmyJeanArt: