The very first song was “The book”.
It was fine, but what really hooked me (I believe a couple of months later)
is when @madmojo woke me up to show me the video for People Vultures.
From there to Gamma Knife/People Vultures and onwards to all 2017 albums and we’ve been fans ever since \o/
Since I follow them from the very beginning, it should have been Elbow from 12 bar bruise. Still like that album.
I’ve told this story to my friends quite often but I first heard of Gizz around 2017, that year I listened to Nonagon and I’ll fully admit I was not mature enough to kick the neo-prog stigma I held at the time. (even though Gizz was just barely entering their prog experiments that year) It wasn’t until 2020 where I off-the-cuff had I’m in Your Mind Fuzz downloaded during a road trip. As a big fan of krautrock (my favorite band is CAN) you can expect that it was the one of the only things I listened to on that whole trip and I have never fallen out of love with it or the band since.
My near miss with the band is very lame. I really liked Fishing for Fishies the song and the music video on first listen shortly after it was released. But when I realized it was anti-fishing, I kinda jokingly said I didn’t like it anymore. (I’m just way into fly fishing, not a commercial fisherman or anything.) While friends around me were getting whipped into a Gizz frenzy, I was saying, “Nah, they’re anti-fishing; I can’t support that.” Foolish!
That said, I was still curious. I bought their Live in Adelaide '19 album to support Australians experiencing the wildfires, but it just didn’t grab me. I was never into metal and those opening tracks couldn’t get through my thick head. I tried that album and others a few times over the years, but it really wasn’t until I saw footage from Bonnaroo '22 that my mind truly opened to them. Stu’s energy in the opening Robot Stop>Hot Water finally did it. Then, Gizztober came and my obsession hasn’t let up since.
Haha you must be the first person who was turned away by the environmental message but then came back on it.
hard agree, FFF and so many of the tracks on it are just so catchy!! boogieman sam, cyboogie, FFF are big highlights in their discog for me.
The double release with Rat’s nest was also a fun time, because I bought tickets to see them for the first time after they released this, so all the way up to the concert (Brussels '19) I was getting hyped for some groovy boogie tunes… and then bam they go and release a metal album weeks before. Superbug was fucking sick to hear
I saw them in Australia around this time too, underrated aspect of those recordings is how heavy they played the FFF songs. Didn’t play the closest attention to the setup, but it seemed they didn’t change up the guitar tones at all so they still had that face-melting energy.
Would still love to hear the title track pop up in an acoustic set one day though.
My dad’s friend recommended them to him, and he bought Paper Mache Dream Balloon on CD at random, but took me a while to get into them. I first starting listening to their other stuff in the middle of lockdown in 2020, and I’ve been a fan ever since
Saw them in 2015 not knowing much. Before the show a friend said, “let’s listen to the first song on their most recent album before seeing the show” and so the first song I ever heard was The River. Loved it, loved the show and immediately bought Mind Fuzz and Quarters. I got really into Mind Fuzz and the song The River, but didn’t keep up with them at the time or realize they were going to release a 2nd album in 2015.
About a year later, many months after it dropped, I listened to Nonagon and thought it was awesome. Shortly after I heard Stu’s announcement of the plan to release 5 albums in 2017 and I was hooked. Listened to the entire discography leading up to FMB and caught every 2017 album day one. Mind Fuzz and Polygondwanaland remain my favorite albums, but it all started with The River.
Hell yeah! What river?
I remember a friend had been playing Gizz for me but none of the songs really stuck until after a Ween show (Red Rocks 2017) when she played People Vultures. Whatever state I was in, the song just clicked and I became more interested. So then we put on Gamma Knife and I remember thinking, holy shit these songs feed into each other! I don’t think I listened to the entirety of Nonagon until a week or so later but after hearing that, I absolutely fell in love. And then Sketches was released as their next album and I was like, okay who the fuck are these guys???
Oddments… but Nonagon was the nail in the coffin.
Paper Mâché Dream Balloon. I was stressed, needed something calm(?) to listen to, and this seemed like the most flippant way to start my Gizz journey.
I think I just randomly started on Mind Fuzz as the closest thing to what I already listened to. And the rest is history lol
Oh hey there! lots of bleedthrough recently on here, love it
Love Paper Mache
My first Gizz was Fishing for Fishies (song) on Jon Fishman’s Errant Path show on Sirius XM Phish Radio. Led me directly to Mind Fuzz and i was hooked.
Most of you will know where this is going from the first sentence.
I don’t use a streaming service, just an MP3 player, so I’m always looking for free music. 2 or so years ago, I stumbled upon Polygondwanalnd. Listened to it and I liked it, but I wasn’t really hooked. It was a few months later and I realized “wait…wtf is up with the time signature?” Listened to it more and now I’ve listened to most of their discography.
Whoops, sorry started rambling there.
Deschutes River
Oh yeah baby. The timing just felt right.
Would’ve been funny if n00b came over here after leaving that place, but I don’t know if he has any interest in Gizz.
Yeah totally. Idk either. There’s definitely some overlap in the fans so i wouldn’t be surprised by some more users coming over here slowly