This was a real fun show… There was a literally-constant stream of crowdsurfers for a while there and I lost count after 30 and went back to focusing on the music… the pit crew really earned their paychecks that day!
This was my show in 2022 and it definitely rearranged some dna inside me. Hearing the opening suite of Omnium songs before the album was out was cool and then the rest of the show was just as exciting.
That’s the show where I got IT for Gizz. I went in thinking they were a damn good band and left thinking they’re tapped in to the ethereal source of musical creativity.
Remlinger N1 and Red Rocks ‘23 second day both sets.
Ready for tonight. Who’s popping off in Brussels?
Been loving the guy on YouTube- “mike side” for live stuff. No ads is the best part and enjoy how he segues songs from different shows.
I’ve been giving the Hamburg marathon another listen. The first half sounds great with that FAFYL opener and the Nonagon run that follows (with Iron Lung, Hot Water, and Trapdoor thrown in). Onto the next half.
Bristol! It’s quickly becoming a favorite.
Somehow only just found this huge '23 Residency compilation:
All the pro footage, with tour song repeats cut out.
4/22/21 Sydney (Drastic Plastic boot)
In a microtonal mood this morning. Great setlist with quite a few songs that have dropped out of rotation or were seldom played to begin with.
may 4, 2022 san pedro garza garcia, mexico.
not the best quality audio, but vibes were high in our house this morning and a doom city opener set the tone for a great day ahead.
great setlist, great crowd, definitely worth a listen if you don’t mind a crowd-iphone recording.
Just finished watching the residency shows on nugs. Fantastic.
If I listened to the 2022-05-31 drum machine show when it happened, I have forgotten how novel it is:
The segues are remarkable.
I listened to this one from Hypertension onwards while I drove to work this morning. What a great close to the South American run! The segue between Hypertension and Sea of Trees is super smooth, the “Sao Paulo” lyrics in Hot Water is especially fun, and then they rip through a couple Nonagon songs. I need to relisten to all of these SA shows.
The Slow Jam 1 → Sense > Let Me Mend the Past is a sequence that I listened to over and over again around the time this happened. Coming back to it now as my appetite is expanding again beyond the 2024 shows is extra enjoyable knowing all that’s happened in the interim. I think this tour will go down as one of the all-time greats.
The Her & I from Atlanta '24 gets down and dirty!
Helping out with an exciting development for our website has me thinking about the early days, so I’m listening to Baby’s All Right from Oct. 13, 2014.