Show off and discuss your attended shows stats!

Here are my stats!

Exactly 100 unique songs across 10 tours.
Saw them for the first time at like 2pm on a side stage at FYF’15. It’s been the long slow game for me (until this year lol)
Change is definitely my coolest/favorite debut

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Awesome stats! hope you share some stories/reviews from those early shows someday. I went to the same shows this year as you .Were you on my Delta flight from Chicago to Seattle with the band? curious what your favorites were? For me it was Salt Shed N1 and Remlinger N3.

Yeah that crammed in a heap of songs! Thats amazing! :partying_face:

Been to a few more shows myself, but seen slightly less songs haha. Would be interesting if there was a way to see what songs you had seen that I had not and vice versa!

First year I saw them was 2 times, then next year 3, and somehow I have increased at a rate of 1 per year, and this year will end up with 6. I wonder if thats a pattern I can keep up :rofl:

Heres my stats AlexTheKids’s Shows

New to the forum, hope this post isn’t too long. I really enjoyed reading y’alls stats.
84 unique songs across 7 shows in 3 states!

Road-tripped with my best friend to Red Rocks last year, talk about a first Gizz experience! We had to replace a battery, a tire, and two alternators in the days prior, drove across Denver on a past-its-mileage donut to get to those shows. I’ll never forget the catharsis of hearing that “Mars for the Rich” opening riff :face_holding_back_tears:

From there it was dumb luck: the boys played two shows in my hometown for Levitation, then my best friend got a job as an air hostess so we flew for free to the Salt Shed residency.


  • ALL THE BOOGIES (I’m counting the Cut-Throat Boogie teases sorry)
  • “Evil” River (RR) and “Dead Jam” River (Chicago)
  • Magma, Rattlesnake & Honey x3 :exploding_head:
  • Hypertension → Iron Lung (Austin), and then Hot Water → Hypertension (Chi)
  • Change debut!
  • Crumbling Castle → Fourth Colour :face_holding_back_tears:
  • 8/9 Nonagon songs :face_holding_back_tears:
  • 5/7 Petro songs!!!
  • Muddy Water jam!!!
  • :boom: LORD OF LIGHTNING :boom::boom: BALROG :boom::boom: TRAPDOOR :boom:
  • Still chasing Head On/Pill above all others

That HT → IL from Levitation is dope af.

Glad someone else from ATX is in here! Levitation was lit and the marathon show will be as well!

So hyped for the marathon next year. Won’t be in the pit cuz I’m bringing a group, but from what I hear Germania doesn’t have a bad seat in the house

I usually go with the lawn there and it’s not bad! The worst part about the venue is getting out there and then leaving after the show can be a nightmare.

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updated stats after UK tour

A year never felt so long


so, tonight is gonna be my 6th
most of all, it’s the first time for my son, and we’re going together

just wanted to share :pray:


You’ve been to some amazing shows! I love those two from the 2023 tour. I hope the one tonight with your son is the best yet.

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Deserted Dunes… as most common not seen is wild.

Danger $$$, Muckraker, and Dead-Beat are probably more accurate, but lack of setlists on early shows skews the data quite a bit


Danger $$$ ✓


I’ve only been to three shows (Drag Night & Acoustic Night in Tennessee and DC last weekend) and I’ve caught two debuts: Witchcraft and Antarctica.

About to pump those stats up though. Going to Newport this weekend, and the Asheville and Nashville the weekend after (and maybe Chicago?) and then Atlanta and St. Augustine in the fall (and maybe New Orleans and Miami?)


I’m really glad to have some more stats to look at after sitting at three shows since June '23. Now I’m up to six with one more on Tuesday, if all goes according to plan.

Ice V I’ve managed to see four times. Gimme one more!

Evil Death Roll, Gaia, and Motor Spirit all at three times seen. EDR is one of my very favorites, but I don’t know if I could pick a best one. The Philly 10/22/22 with the Hypertension was an amazing start. It’s what pushed this whole thing into being, really.

Then, how about being lucky? All at twice out of six shows: The River, Nuclear Fusion, The Great Chain of Being, Witchcraft, Antarctica, Am I in Heaven?, Crumbling Castle>Fourth Colour, and the list goes on.

We’re all very fortunate right now to be a part of this.


Boston was my 20th Gizz show, 21st show in Cleveland this weekend. I dont know what to say. I wont brag, just offer some hard won advice, in no particular order.

  1. ALWAYS wear earplugs.
  2. Never underappreciate a seated ticket after multiple tour dates.
  3. Just wait a second: it might be Wah Wah
  4. Venue staff are people too. A laugh and a smile will get you in/out of most things.
  5. Roaming is more fun than camping in one place thinking you’re having the best experience
  6. Always push on the stage side that is furtherest from the main entrance. 9/10 its emptier on that side. Same with bars and bathrooms
  7. Literally always strike up a conversation with your neighbors. You never know who’ll you’ll meet (and if they suck, see two tips up)
  8. Posters are always available when you dont want one and always sold out when you want one. Unless you get there early, its really out of your hands.
  9. Take care of yourself on tour: eat a salad and drink water. Greasy venue food and after show pizzas only get you so far.
  10. Weed is no replacement for the pain killing properties of Advil
  11. Security has only checked my pockets once in 20 shows: just dont set off the metal detector.
  12. Invest in good concert gear (poster tube, jacket or poncho, earplugs, reusable water bottle, etc) or you’ll be nickel and dimed all trip by venues or your own lack of prepardness.
  13. Have EVERYTHING backed up on your phone. I was able to lose my wallet in NYC without skipping a beat.
  14. And most importantly, dont take anything too seriously. Tour is honestly quite emotionally charged between chasing songs, meeting all sorts of fun people, energy at shows, substances, and many other things. Ride the wave, believe in the Gizz, be the person Stu wants you to be, and everything turns out fine.

Let’s turn this into a blog post. Outstanding advice, Rowdy!

I had such a great time hanging with Rowdy in D.C. and Forest Hills. Heck of a good guy! He sure knows how to Gizz.


Yeah… but what are your stats lol

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These nerds over here with their numbers

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