Show off and discuss your attended shows stats!

here are my stats after 20 shows since 2019

You’ve seen shows on every day of the week. Yet on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday you’ve only seen two shows each while Wednesday is the day you’ve seen the most Gizz shows. Weird!

Gizz does not tour like normal mortals…they don’t need weekends to sell out venues

How do you feel about The Dripping Tap? Your most seen song and tease, but I don’t think you ever mention it much.

Oh i love it for sure, but as you said its one I’ve seen most, so I’m usually hoping for the less frequently played these days songs like FAFYL, Am I in Heaven? or Head On/Pill at end of show when Tap is most likely to be played. I like it better as opener and even better if like the penultimate song of the set.

I’ll always fondly remember studio release of it in March 2022. It seemed to come out of nowhere and added a whole new level of anticipation for those April 2022 shows. I think I’ll always most associate Dripping Tap with Spring 2022 tour, while by Fall 2022 Iron Lung had become MVP, Shanghai by March 2023 Europe, and Change or maybe Magma for this last tour. So Tap is like 4 tours ago now.

FYI, if anyone hasn’t created a group for their attended shows yet you can do it here: Groups / Create - Once you have a group you can run all kinds of stats on it!

Season 2 Get Schwifty GIF by Rick and Morty

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Here are my stats! I’m super lucky that my last three shows have all been marathons.

First show - Asheville 2016, Nonagon Infinity tour.

Some folks got kicked out for crowdsurfing & the band stopped playing until security let them back in.

I just listened to The River from that show yesterday!

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Here is my show stats

Nothing will ever top Red Rocks on 11/2/22 but Hollywood Bowl (with the record fair) was a real blast ! I’d say every show I’ve attended so far has been incredible in unique ways. I’ll elaborate down the road some day :grin:

My first time seeing King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard in ‘19 was a treat too. I don’t think I even knew what they all looked like!

Glad I found this band.

Amazing, 2019-08-14 was my first show too and i attended the shows you attended. So cool.

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Haha, I doubt many people have seen The Garden Goblin four times.

Green Goblin GIF by Russell Taysom

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and not once have I seen anyone do the garden goblin dance lol


Here’s mine. A bit unique because I’ve seen four shows with no repeats due largely to missing out Chicago '19. My not seen keeps me up at night.

You weren’t kidding, your not seen is rough. Condolences

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Damn, yeah I think you win Most Common Not Seen. No repeats at all is pretty cool though.

Here’s mine

I’d love to see MOTU this August (2 shows incoming)!

PS: I somehow couldn’t edit my previous post (maybe cause I’m new?).
When I click edit I was only shown the edit history (admittedly I first went “delete” → undelete → THEN tried to edit, maybe that’s part of the problem)

They played The River at my one and only show in NZ this year but I wasn’t really there for it. Was supposed to be an outdoor park show and we brought the 2yo. Got moved into a basketball stadium and we didn’t want to bring her into that environment so we split the show. Partner got the openers and first 3 or 4 songs of Gizz. I could hear it a bit from outside. I got a mean Dripping Tap anyway. There were like 500 ppl there. Wonder if they will come back.

Another show on the weekend, and no The River still. Was great otherwise though.

I’ve been really fortunate in that the 3 shows I’ve seen were ATL last year and Saturday and Sunday of the Caverns residency. So my list of not seens that I really wanted is pretty short.

  1. Sense (on the setlist for Caverns Sunday but not played due to rain delay and time constraints)
  2. Catching Smoke ( I made a prophecy to my besty that always goes with me to shows that we would witness the live debut)
  3. Shanghai
  4. Magenta Mountain
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