Mis-heard Gizz lyrics: whatcha' got?

Slay the marmoset.

just misheard Ataraxia as Anorexia :flushed:

Antichrist has tempted me with a porpoise.

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black carpet’s all i see
robot stop

Counterfeit hypocrite, runs the mall, runs the mall!


everyone is smiling in july

:notes:and i’m in your mind :notes:


Mad Dog Morgan - I sang “land of milk and” - - - I guess I thought they were gonna talk about the land of milk and honey?

Rattle Snake, Rattle’s Me - - - I sang Rattle Snake, Rattle Speed

Most of the time I just mumble scream random words.

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I’d rather be amongst the clouds, alligators, alligators in the sky

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I wanna feel the Frosted Flakes on my face again…

(Sometimes I also here “I wanna feel the phosphates…”)


“A bean traveling like lighting”

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A. I’m glad I am not the only one
B. …I am now learning I have misheard this lyric…

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In Mycelium when they supposedly say “blackened gold” I swear I hear “Dracula gold”

In “Witchcraft” I keep hearing “can end this squall” as “cannabis roll.” I dunno what a cannabis roll is, but I want one!

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Phantom Island - “coconut congas” sounds like “coconut condoms” to my ears

On Mycelium when it says “blackened gold” I swear it says “Dracula gold”

In Magma, “obsidian cleaver” always sounds to me like “city of Cleveland” :person_shrugging: :sweat_smile:


“What’s that mezzanine, only mezzanine” (Mr Beat)
“Any dark, that you open my bone” (Bone)
“The carbs that I’m dressing” (Most of What I Like)