March 18, 2024 - Teatro Vorterix, Argentina

Show Bill

Venue info

Possible Stream - will update as info becomes known

Show Time 9:00pm ART (8:00pm EDT, 5:00pm PDT, 12:00am BST, 11:00am AEDT)


Self Immolate
Organ Farmer >
Converge >
This Thing
Hot Wax →
Hot Water →
Sleepwalker →
Hypertension →
Wah Wah >
Road Train
The Bitter Boogie
Float Along - Fill Your Lungs

This setlist and all previous shows can be found at If you attended the show, leave a review and rating!

If you have Video/Audio you would like to contribute to the Archive. Please let us know and we would be happy to assist in getting it uploaded.

464 Shows since Vegemite (Oddments)


Hypertension 2nite!? How about a KGLW Outro?

I think we can safely assume we’ll hear Witchcraft. Maybe Supercell will be paired with it. But what about the synths? Are they going to make an appearance at all? All I know is that I’m amped up about another side show. The festival sets are fun, but they don’t fully scratch hell’s itch.

I was thinking maybe the Silver Cord stuff won’t be played until the main tour kicks off?


People have been saying they didn’t bring the microtonal gear or synths to SA since they were used at Deniliquin.

Hypertension is past due for sure though!

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Calling a debut tonight. Gliese 710?

I’m thinking more Rat’s Nest and Fishies, maybe Planet B and This Thing? Hypertension seems likely for a jam too, Hot Water tease?

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Inner Cell > Loyalty > Horology

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“Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private.”

Show’s live here:

Good call…

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Absolutely crisp recording of Cavs symbols and nothing else haha


Better than nothing, but yeah.

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Absolutely, I’m so glad they do it, especially to confirm my prediction of This Thing :grin:

Damn, killin’ it dude.

Lol now the Hot Water tease, I don’t even usually make setlist predictions.

Just went → into Sleepwalker

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Just went into Sleepwalker

Didn’t take very long but this is a pretty strong show of the year contender, holy christ.

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Hot WaxHot WaterSleepwalkerHypertension[1] → Wah Wah

Already a holy lineup happening right now (River is practically guaranteed to come next*) but oh my god the jams on this.

*EDIT: Are you serious.

Every time they start playing something Blues-like I keep thinking it might be from the new album.