Music League - League VIII: Decades

I will post the link here when the league is ready!

I see that we haven’t gotten any themes on the spreadsheet and that’s absolutely fine! I will throw a starter league together real quick, set it for like 20 people and then whoever wants in can join just by clicking the link.

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I figured we could use a new thread for the new round. Here is a link to the previous thread for background information.

Here is the link to the league. There is plenty of room so if you are interested, please join us!

Do you have an idea for a good theme for the next round of Music League? Share it with us here in this spreadsheet!

What is Music League?

This is from the Music League User Guide on how it works:

  1. Each league is made up of a certain number of rounds.
  2. Each round has a musical theme, like ‘covers’ or ‘I want your sax.’
  3. When the round opens, league players are notified to submit a song that fits the theme (anonymously via Spotify link).
  4. When everyone has submitted (or the submission deadline arrives), everyone receives a link to the playlist to listen, consider, and then return to Music League to assign points and add comments to reminisce, toast and maybe a gentle roast.
  5. Once the votes are in, everyone will be able to see the results, including who submitted what, how everyone voted, and all the comments.
  6. Points are earned from round to round and accumulate through the entire league until a winner is crowned.

Music League is free (although the website does have ads, you can pay a modest fee to get those turned off) although it does work through Spotfy so an account with Spotify is required (which also limits the selections to whats on Spotify).

Use this thread to discuss!


Here is the link for the league! Lets do this! I hope you guys like the categories. I made it just 3 rounds as like an introductory round.

I started a new thread with the link to the music league here as well. Figured a new thread for each round would help it be grouped nicely!

One thing to note… if you try to submit a song that has already been submitted by someone else you will get a “red box” that blocks you from submitting the song there.

If you try to submit a song by the same artist as someone else, you get an “orange box”. This warns you that someone has already submitted a song by this artist, but you can still submit the song.

I usually try to avoid submitting the same artist as someone else… but as this is a KGLW forum and they are amazing and quite varied… maybe thats ok :smiley:

Also I can extend deadlines or end things early if we all are settled on our submissions before the 2 day timer is up.

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Thank you! Joining now

I would be down for a noise category for sure.

We currently have 7 members (out of 20 max) which is more than enough for a great league but the more the merrier!

Songs for the first round of this league are for the theme ‘Roadtripping’ are due in 24 hours! Then we’ll have 5 days to listen to the generated playlist.

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Here’s the first playlist! Excited to listen

Can someone please remind me/explain to me how do we vote for the songs in the playlist? Do we assign each song points (1-10) or just vote for the one we like? And where?

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Sorry, just missed the submission window. Got a theme suggestion in though.


Look’s like it’s still open if you go the League page.

Edit: Nope. I’m wrong. Haha. I think OP mentioned above he can open it up for late submissions.

No worries! You can at least participate for the next round (instrumentals) … you might even be able to vote this round, I’m not sure.

I also realized I didn’t hit save for the 3rd round of this league which would have been horns :frowning: we can save that for the next league.

I guess I shouldn’t have made multiple threads for this :smiley: my bad!

I will copy this response to the other thread.

You have 5 days to listen to the playlist and vote/comment.
You have a total of 20 points to spend voting. You may not spend more than 5 points on any 1 song.
To vote, you can go to the app or just and click Submit Your Votes

If you wish, you can start voting/commenting and save your progress (good to capture thoughts without finalizing anything before the voting deadline) by clicking Save Voting Progress.

I hope this answers your question, please feel free to ask if anything is unclear!

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Do you want me to merge the threads into one?

That would be great! Thanks!!

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Added music

Guys this playlist is awesome :metal:

Scoring this was tough, lots of good stuff here!

As long as mine was one of the four then I approve, lol.

But seriously, I went the opposite way and spread my points out as much as possible so it should balance out, right?

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Me either but I figure we’ll pick it up as we go.