Introducing Gizz Tapes!

Over the past few weeks I’ve been building Gizz Tapes, a streaming website for recordings of the band’s shows which I’m very excited to announce is now available at

Currently there are 200 shows available to listen to, ranging from the earliest known public King Gizzard performance in 2010 all the way through to Tuesday night’s show in Portland, ME, and so much more in between for you to unearth.

We’ve got a lot of plans in the pipeline for this website, helping aid your discovery of all the amazing music from the last 14 years of King Gizzard shows, but for now, we’re very excited to get this into your hands. With this project still under active development, we’d love to hear from you all with any feedback you might have. We have an issue tracker where you can directly report issues and leave suggestions, or if you’d prefer you can email us.

The code behind this website is fully open source, and licensed under the AGPL. It’s available on GitLab; we’d love to have you contribute, or maybe even fire up your own streaming services for your other favourite live bands.

For the moment we’re doing a phased roll-out, and choosing just to share this with you guys here on the forum. We’d appreciate it if you could keep discussion of this here for the moment until we’re ready to share with the wider community. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy!


This is absolutely amazing! I’ve been fortunate to have some behind-the-scenes access for the past week or more and has been my music player of choice. I don’t even bother listening to other music. Straight to Gizz Tapes whenever I get in the car or put in headphones.

Thank you, Jamie!


Been dreaming of something like this ever since I found @Gizzhenge ‘s live spreadsheet. Thank you for making our vision a reality! I can’t thank you enough, excited to work through these recordings and fix what I can down the road.


The site looks very slick, amazing! The UI for archive/relisten is always a struggle for me particularly on mobile.


Add the site to your home page and it will act like a phone app. I haven’t opened the LMA or Relisten Apps since this was rolled out.

This is awesome. Thank you so much OP

Do you know by chance if it works with the time machines? Asking for a friend

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This is a great idea! Given the info for this site is pulled from the live music archive and the community archive on we will send them an email and see what we can do!

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TimeLAND machines?




Marathon set!

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This is incredible stuff! I love this community!

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Huh, maybe it’s because we have a couple different recordings linked there. We’ll share with @jamie, the developer of this amazing resource.

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It was a known issue that sometimes the show durations were a little out, but I think that’s a new record!

Anyway, since you mentioned it I’ve spent a little time this evening tracking this down and it’s now fixed.

Thanks for letting me know! :slight_smile:


Love the stuff this community comes up with man. It’s all love baby!


Well well well……pretty amazing

Just in time too

Decided I’d listen to all of US tour before hitting Vancouver>Gorge

Using relisten and picking from multiple sources, but now I’ll start at this great resource!!!


We’ve officially released Gizz Tapes!

Check out the blog post: Introducing Gizz Tapes — a King Gizzard Exclusive Live Recording Streaming Platform

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Question: so when I am listening to a show it seems like the tracks will stop instead of just advancing to the next song more often than not. Is there a way to correct this?

What web browser and device are you using?

I’m using safari on my iPhone. I think it may be when the phone is like in lock mode. if I’m using the phone, the track advances fine.

Yeah we’ve had a couple other reports of issues on iPhones. It’s hard for me to look into because I’m an Android user myself but I definitely intend to resolve this as soon as I can.

I foresee an Apple Store visit in my near future…

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