What studio Gizz are ya listening to?

Gumboot over here. I come back to it a lot, probably because so many of the songs don’t appear in the live rotation. It’s easy to forget about little gems like Barefoot Desert, Superpostion, Last Oasis, etc.

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I was listening to Shanghai the other day and realized I didn’t know what they’re singing. That made me want to read all of their lyrics, so I’ve been listening through all of the albums while reading the lyrics. I’m not necessarily going in order, but I did start with some of the early albums. I just finished FAFYL.

I’ve been on a Gumboot kick too. So many good deep cuts on that one. Such a nice vibe to that record.

Other than that, I had Fishing For Fishies on last night. That was the first album I was around for and I didn’t fully appreciate it until a few years ago. Oh, and Timeland. I’m never not listening to that one.

That’s a classic handle/post if ever I’ve seen one.

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I have this playlist of laminated denim → made in timeland → quarters that gets a lot of air time when digging thru paperwork at my job.

Also used to be super obsessed with gumboot but put it down for a while. Recently gave it a relisten and damn yeah that shits hot.

Made a playlist of KG>LW a while back, it works great as a single continuous album.

Have one of these as well but i got FMB on the back end. Works pretty well but a lot of times ill just do the KG>LW stuff…

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Gumboot one of the best studio vinyls, change my mind.

After we uncovered that Dec. 31, 2011 recording, I gained a newfound interest in the earliest Gizz. Honestly, I really had never given Willoughby’s Beach nor 12 Bar Bruise much of a chance. I just thought they weren’t really my style and that they were kind of an inchoate version of the band I love. So, I figured I wasn’t missing out on any of the real-deal Gizz albums, which begin with FAFYL. What an ass I’ve been!

For the past few days, I’ve had Willoughby’s Beach and 12 Bar Bruise on repeat and have come to realize that King Gizz had–right from the start–that greatness we all see in them today.

Now, it’s Teenage Gizzard that I’m still sleeping on. Not for long.


Paper Mache Dream Balloon is the album I’ve probably listened to the fewest times…and yet I’m listening to it for the second time in less than 24 hours right now. I don’t know why this one took so long to take hold of me, but now I’m floating. I love how the last track contains all of the other songs on the album.


Paper Mache on vinyl is one of my favorite experiences. I cant listen to the last song though, my dog freaks out lol.

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Spun my vinyl of Changes this weekend, what a Sunday morning album to go with the existential dread of going back to work lol.


What blows my mind about PMDB is that its the result of taking a break from making Nonagon Infinity. They got burnt out practising it and touring, so Stu wanted to stop intellectualising the songwriting and just wrote some other songs for their own sake and suddenly they had a pop masterpiece.


Sketches really scratching my Gizz-itch today.

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Love Sketches… just recognized that in D-Day they’re counting backwards from 11 across 14 beats :exploding_head:

Demos 1 & 2 are way cuter than I remember them being

I’ve done a pretty good job so far of listening to the albums day-by-day as we release the Song Histories. I’d never done a straight-through discography tour before. I’m gaining a lot of perspective on the band’s development and history.


This is my first time doing it for a while. I have done a lot of biographical research (in addition to song histories) since the last time and am feeling the same. It has made the leaps forward like IIYMF seem much bigger, and what they achieved in 2017 even more impressive so far.

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I’m only through Float Along - Fill Your Lungs…had to take more than we week off due to ear/sinus infection

KG > LW > Infest :metal:

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