The Book: North American Tour Guide 2024

Our big tour guide is here! Download a copy for your travels across the country!

Thank you to all of our contributors, artist, writers, and editors! Special thanks to @rowdy @BVBootleg @grey_locke (artist) @TimelandIsWacky @RattleRattleRattle and many others. A heck of a lot went into these pages! Check out the blog post for more details. The Book: North American Tour Guide 2024

Here is a link to the guide itself: Pages / Tourguide -

Time to hit the road!

This includes the first leg of tour. The Book will be updated with the second leg soon.


Thanks to everyone who worked on this and all of you for reading!

Keep sending in your updates for the guide by commenting here. I had a blast in DC today and can’t wait for the show tonight, see you out there!

Thank you to everyone and all who put this together. It’s absolutely wonderful and I love this scene show much

when does part 2 get posted?

Aiming for the next couple of weeks. Its progressing steadily.

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