Stat Leaderboards

Let our mighty computer compute this!

  • Most number of songs seen live
  • Most unique number of songs seen live
  • Most number of shows attended
    (This could in the future go so far as to you have to scan a QR code
    at a meetup at the venue :stuck_out_tongue:
    but I’m may be getting ahead of myself)
  • Most number of shows attended in Tour XYZ

These could perhaps even be made achievements within Discourse?
Perhaps even custom “most shows in EU Tour X”, “USA Tour Y”, etc.

What do you think?

PS: I don’t do any web dev stuff, (and actually I kinda hate most “modern” web :slight_smile: ) but would be willing to help implement this,
if there’s interest in playing some games and concensus that this might be a fun future of our forum.

Thanks for considering all you beautiful buttfaces (:


Some of this is built in to the main site (powered by Songfish) — when you’re logged in, you can visit a setlist page and look for the “Add to Groups” section to note that show as one you attended.

Then go to and look for the third button under Actions (with the hover text “Run Stats”). It should take you to a page like this one showing my stats.

It shows a variety of interesting stats, and we’re open to suggestions for new ones!