[Setlist Thread] August 30, 2024 @ ExploreAsheville Arena, Asheville, NC


  1. Boogieman Sam →
  2. Hypertension →
  3. Rats In The Sky >
  4. Ice V →
  5. Antarctica
  6. Flight b741
  7. Gaia
  8. Converge >
  9. Witchcraft
  10. Mars For The Rich
  11. Inner Cell >
  12. Loyalty >
  13. Horology
  14. Swan Song →
  15. Gilgamesh →
  16. Swan Song
  17. Float Along - Fill Your Lungs

Show Time: Doors 7:00pm EST, Geese 8:00pm, King Gizz 9:00pm (6:00pm PST, 2:00am BST, 11:00am 8/31)

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[kglw.net Mixlr Audio Stream] - none tonight

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Heading out on tour? Check out our Tour Guide for tips on the city venue and meetup. and check out Weirdoswarm.org for the most up to date meetup info.

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Flight b741’s song histories are up on our site courtesy of u/timelandiswacky

If you have Video/Audio you would like to contribute to Archive.org. Please let us know and we would be happy to assist in getting it uploaded.

God Is In The Rhythm was last played 2018-03-16, which was 302 shows ago


Friend has a couple extra for tonight, Section 206 and 65$ each

Looks like a wedding happened in line. Officiated by Mystery Jack, attended by Cavs. Congratulations!


LIVE! (don’t worry about the thumbnail)

feeling a huuuuuuuuuuge tap opener tn

Played Dripping Tap last time in Asheville so I think they’ll go with something else. I’ll say Am I In Heaven?

First footage of the band playing with puppies and now wedding footage? Loveliest opening sequence yet.




yeah they played a lil soundcheck clip and Cavs and Cook obviously teasing Swan Song, it’s coming

Some brief soundcheck footage there too, mostly synths. I swear I heard a hi-hat pattern oddly similar to the one opening Change (but it was just that opening hi-hats. I have brainrot).

I’m gonna need that puppy footage because I arrived late.

My opener guess is Gilgamesh → Swan Song


The opening videos are getting really enjoyable

what the fuck, someone posted a full setlist spoiler on the reddit with no spoiler tag


Anyone catch what song was playing over PA just now?

Hope they got downvoted

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FUCKING hate when that happens and it spoils it. thank you for warning me i will not be looking.

“This is so basketball” :rofl:

Earliest “Light em up T” yet?

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thanks for spoiler tagging it. i looked anyway. sick

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