Question about subcategories/more structure in the Gizzverse

I think the Gizzverse category can seem a bit overloaded/chaotic.
Is there a way to add subcategories like “concert”, “album”, “news” and similar for some more structure
or should tags be used for this?

Could start with some tags and then reify the more useful ones into categories later on if it makes sense?

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I’m for splitting it.

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If we had Live Gizz and Studio Gizz as our two categories instead of Gizzverse, where would the important post from today on misogyny in the scene go? Are we saying we’d add Live Gizz and Studio Gizz while keeping Gizzverse? I’d be more in favor of that because it’d catch what doesn’t fit neatly into live or studio.

Whatever we do, I like the idea of having Gizzverse remain as a category for any Gizz-related topics that don’t fit under Live/Studio or whatever else.

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Is it possible to do sub-categories? I do like that better but not sure if it’s doable.

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I could get behind “Gizzverse” and “Live Gizz” if that’s what most people prefer.

A shame that it doesn’t integrate very well.

In that case encouraging the use of tags might be something we want to encourage?

And for me “Gizzverse” would kind of need to stay the all encompassing category (that is the Gizzverse after all), so that’s why I brought up “sub” categories rather than “full blown” categories of their own.

My main concern is discoverability, especially when this forum grows and becomes even more active.

New subcategory: Couch Tour!

:guitar: :musical_keyboard: :drum: :globe_with_meridians: :loud_sound: :couch_and_lamp:

This is for the live setlist threads, to collect 'em all in one place. These threads are about a single specific show, usually created shortly before the concert begins, and often feature real-time reactions from fans watching or listening to a stream of the show from all around the globe!

The Live Gizz category remains a great spot for any other discussion of seeing The Gizz perform live, questions about attending shows, analyzing several different shows, etc.

Thanks to everyone who’s already participated in one of the live setlist threads!
—Axe :axe:


another new subcategory: Fan Meetups!

:person_raising_hand: :dancing_men: :metal: :people_hugging: :footprints: :falafel: :beers: :takeout_box:

This is the spot to promote your meet-up, post updates, or share photos afterwards!

—Axe :axe: