Phantom Island tour 2025

I hope everyone who is hitting the PI 2025 tour got their tickets. I was lucky enough to get some Prime seating at the Philadelphia Mann show as well as GA tickets for the 2 Forest Hills events.

Hope to see some of you there!

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Forest Hills is quite literally in my backyard, and I just scored pit tickets for both nights. See you back at the Stadium. Couldn’t be happier that the venue closest to me is becoming the summer home of Gizz in NYC.

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So you are saying I have a place to crash :rofl:

That’s awesome to hear though. I’ll be making FH my second home whenever they come around. It’s incredibly easy to get to which surprised me.


I got Philly by the soundboard (my favorite spot in any venue). That was the easiest TM experience I’ve had in years.

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9th row center for San Diego!


Also got tix both nights for Forest Hills, excited to finally check this venue out!

Went for GA bowl instead of floor, think it’ll be a bit chiller esp for orchestra night.

And see ya at Field of Vision

we’ll be riding the rail both nights in nyc. :crocodile:

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I panicked seeing everyone buy tickets but then remembered Chicago tickets aren’t until March of next year. Can’t wait!

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2 day floor passes secured for Forest Hills!!! LFG


Pavilion seats for merriweather secured!

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Definitely hitting the fest and CO Springs, probably New Haven and Forest Hills too. I told my folks I’d come visit in late July and my mom asked if “the wizard lizards” are playing :laughing:

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Can’t wait till Philly! few rows back from mix. Turn it up!