Show Time: Doors 7:00pm BST, Grace Cummings ~8:00pm BST, King Gizzard ~9:00-11:00pm BST (4:00pm EST, 1:00pm PST, 6:00am AEDT)
Stream*: Twitch
*It is uncertain if there will be streams for the remainder of the European tour. The stream will be posted here if one appears.
Float Along - Fill Your Lungs
Boogieman Sam [w/ Sad Pilot jam with lyrics and “Boogie” by Carson teases and quotes]
The Dripping Tap [w/ Mycelium quotes] ^a
The Wheel
Iron Lung >
The River →
Wah Wah [w/ The River teases and quotes] >
The River
This Thing
Mars for the Rich >
Self-Immolate^b >
Gila Monster
a. Dedicated to everyone with diarrhea.
b. Contained a drum solo.
We will use this thread to coordinate how we record the full setlist, including teases and other show notes. If you hear a tease, please leave a reply and note which song it occurred within.