Jason Galea poster book!

I am vibrating out of my skull. It looks amazing.


same. :star_struck:

I went without the tab book, but this one will actually be appreciated and used by me, so an easy order.

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This book is going to rule!!

Purchased! Can’t wait to drool over this thing

jumped on this like a zillennial on bubble tea, stoked to get it as someone who never brings a poster tube to concerts!!

Sold out now. (thought I’d read that it was an “unlimited preorder” through Sunday, today. Weird.)

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pre order ended this morning.

boo hiss

whoops. they’ve updated the site to something new since last i saw. i screenshotted it, but i don’t know how to imbed a photo :man_shrugging:

it states that the preorder ends sunday aug 4 at 5amPDT

“Unlimited preorders have now closed. Limited units may still be available until sold out.” Copies are available on (p)doom as of today. Redemption!

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