FREE Edits of Albums performed Live from the 2024 TOUR

TLDR: I’ve been working on several bootleg edits of albums in a Live context and they’re all available to check out and download free from the link below:

Thanks for checking it out! More info below:

Live albums include Flight b741, The Silver Cord, PetroDragonic Apocalypse, Infest The Rats Nest and Nonagon Infinity

Most audio is from 2024 shows, but there are some Red Rocks and Chicago based edits utilizing shows from 2022-2024.

I am planning on doing more bootleg edits, but am probably going to take a break for a little bit. I’ve got at least 2-3 more TSC edits I’d like to do, 3-5 more Flight b741 edits and plenty more focusing on Chicago and especially Red Rocks whenever I get around to it.

Concerning 2024 shows, I did not take STEM mixes and redo anything. I used soundboard mixes as they were from bootleg gizzard. These edits are to create a flow to hopefully feel like the band is just playing straight through an album.

My slight obsession with doing these all started with Red Rocks 2022 and making my Reimagined series for it. That is also available to check out and free to download. Almost all of my edits these days are designed with Vinyl in mind, but I have not made any physical pressings. Anyone is allowed to use my edits for Vinyl pressings if they want, I only ask for written credit on or within the box art. I’m not looking for a cut of any money. However, any edits utilizing Red Rocks ‘23 audio at this time is not permitted for that use as it hasn’t been officially released under the “bootleg gizzard” banner.

You’re still reading? Geez, thanks. If you happen to check these out tell me your favorite renditions! I appreciate any feedback. They might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but I find them to be fun listens and am proud of the work and focus (which I usually lack) I put into these. Thanks weirdoswarm/my fellow Gizzheads✌️