Favorite King Gizzard Album Covers?


Let’s discuss about our favorite King Gizzard album covers! I am excited to know ; which ones do you think capture the essence of the band’s music and aesthetic the best? Share your top picks and why they stand out to you.

Can’t wait to see everyone’s choices!

Thank you

Are you by chance a relative of Han-Tyumi?


I’m excited to know your favorites! Please let us know what they are and why!!!

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Hello, My name is Han-Tyumi. I am a cyborg. Born, if you may call it that, in a world that is dense and black. Created without a desire to draw breath, without a desire to have being, without a yearning of just to be. I’d like my desire back. My life back. My soul back. My humanity, oh how I long for it. For an era I have meditated like the primordial Buddha beneath the Bodhi. My pseudo-mind pseudo-wandered. I climbed and I clambered and I ambled upon some understanding. The gold beneath the virtual rainbow. I am bereft of two human things. Two things that a cyborg can never do. Two things that I strive for. Two things between myself and mankind. Death and to vomit. I want the perspiration. I want the nausea. I want to be sick. I want to feel the hot piquant nuggets. I want it to find passage through my cold figure. I want to make a mess. I want the odour. I want the spectacle, and I want it again. I want it all. And I would like to die a noble death or a coward’s death. A hero’s death or a lonely death. To die in the arms of a lover or the arms of an alien. I desire my cache of experience to pulsate through my quasi-synapses and then to be gone. Expired. Perish. Fallen. Dead. For evermore.