Anyone up for a small Hamburg (DE) meetup?

Hi fellow Gizzheads,

I’ve been living in Hamburg for some years now and would love to make some new friends - hang out together, grab some beer, talk about favorite music … :crocodile::crocodile::crocodile:

Some context: Not long ago I visited a psych rock festival (“Krach am Bach” in Beelen, for anyone interested) and had an amazing time, especially with other people I met there who were into Gizz too. Don’t really know why, but there is something about this band that connects people on a fundamental level :smile:

Now I want to experience something like that in my current hometown. Is anyone up for meeting at a bar / park sometime? Time and place tbd, depending on feedback - probably somewhere central, probably on a weekend, in 2 weeks or so. Feel free to make suggestions if you’re interested or send me a DM!

PS: I have no idea how many people here are from Hamburg, or living close by at least, so maybe this doesn’t work out at all :see_no_evil: If you want to help get this going, I’d appreciate if you share this on your social media too :pray:

I originally posted this on Reddit. Link: