2 steely 2 dan: tokyo drift

yeah I know this is a KG forum but I’m mostly going to post about steely dan here, sorry.


Aja is legit an S tier album


Pretzel Logic is quickly becoming my favorite album

Royal Scam for me. Perfect record. The band originated like 20 minutes away from where I grew up yet I never saw em. Saw a Donald Fagen solo show that blew my socks off

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Also saw them twice, first was An Evening With Steely Dan, we were still fairly new to the concert scene and didn’t realize that at some shows people don’t stand up dancing the whole time. Man those people behind us were pissed, lol. Second one Counting Crows were the opener but we ran late and missed them.

I caught them at Blossom on the tour they did with Michael McDonald. Both sounded great. I still regret not buying a Michael McDonald sweatshirt. It was the tackiest thing ever. I think it had piano keys on one sleeve and his signature on the other.

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The problem with Gaucho is that it makes me want to put on The Nightfly. Wait, that’s not a problem.


Haven’t read this cover to cover, but based on the short peek I had last weekend, it looks interesting.

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Found a decent copy of The Nightfly for $5 this weekend. Won’t you pour me a Cuban Breeze, Gretchen?

I would hurt small mammals for a Michael McDonald action figure. I would also pay money for it.

Scared Dog GIF

And you’ve got Royal Scam right before Aja. Another absolute stunner.

I feel like this shirt needs to be in this thread.

I find your lack of King of the World disturbing.

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This is objectively incorrect and I will not stop until you acknowledge your error.

never saw them. love them. kinda surprised when they turned up at #5 for the year on the spotify recap.

So… I can’t like “King of the World” ITT?

(Because I REALLY like “King of the World.”)

I knew a guy back in college who claimed it as his top SD song, ever. I’m not willing to go that far. (Do you find Coutdown underrated? You put Pearl of the Quarter on a playlist, I believe, and that is like the most killer SD deep cut around.)

i love a good hookers/christmas song too.