The Entire 2024 North American Tour will be available for Bootlegging!

can’t you burn your own cds pretty easily?

Btw, all the shows are at now, and presumably tapes. Most of the bootlegs have been synched to the livestreams too at YouTube.

Sure, you can burn your own CD, but it’s not the same as a beautifully prepared professional release! Assuming you like vinyl – if you could “burn” music as easily to a blank record, would you not still buy the real thing?

I hope Fuzz Club does a CD box set. Needlejuice’s CD releases have always been very good, though they don’t take care to the fade the tracks in and out, and they don’t do the killer artwork that Fuzz Club does.

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Haha no i would not. Some people have zero interest in vinyl. I just mean wouldn’t a personal burned cd with artwork you picked mean just much since its not like official cd and artwork put out by the band?

Missed the gorge stream…hitting play on the sbd flacs :level_slider:

When you mention the fades, do you mean they dont have fades at the beginning and end of the disc unless its the beginning or end of the show?

Considering the quality difference between a handmade CD and a manufactured one with liner notes, images, posters, etc, there is a difference. I have all of the boots digitally and I’ve downloaded a bunch of the fan tapes. I know I can go on GizzTapes. That said, the idea of having every show in a box set kind of like Zappa’s YCDTOSA sets with all of the info is nice.


Oop, yes—I meant that they don’t fade in and out for each CD. Which I just personally think would be a nice touch!


As someone who purchased Live Phish 1-20 on CD when it came out, I’m over it.

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With the upload of Omaha earlier today to YouTube, all the official bootleg recordings have been synched to the available stream footage for each show including fan video for Philly. Links are you know where.

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Hey all, I just released a double CD bootleg set of the St. Louis show. If anyone is interested send me a message!

I posted on reddit, but figured I would cover here too


This seems like a good spot to post this: I mixed the stems from the DC show if anyone is looking for a bootlegger mix.

Free/name your price on Bandcamp. Enjoy!

I plan on doing a few more shows, so I’ll drop them in here as I get them done.


Hi all, is it correct that before the 2024 tours, the only SBDs available to download are now on the KGLW Bootlegger Bandcamp or other previous official KGLW YouTube streams? I just want to make sure I’m not missing any, like the Caverns or other residency runs from last year.

The prior bootlegger releases are on the King Gizzard bandcamp and the bootleg gizzard one, but yeah, that looks like all of them.

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