drip drip
Dripping Tap opener
Drip drip
Dripping Tap!!
Well done meltyphace and Seabass
Theres only a few songs it could be when Amby is roaming
Waiting for that I anna muy haw bust out
“Times of our Milwaukee” alternate lyrics!
Stream is a bit jumpy for me today
its ok we know sbds will be coming soon
“ill keep it up for you after so ucan see lag free d tap” ooh
Stream team says “sorry for lag. It:ll come good”
No one gonna accept my challenge? lol.
But seriously, if I could pick a bust out it’d be Uh Oh I Called Mum.
Oh yes. Do this shit!
tool teases of some sort possibly i dunno tool well
Hard to say, I dig Tool pretty well but this doesn’t sound familiar. They do a ton of “Tool-esque” riffs in jams.
OK what was that though?
Definitely wasn’t Tool, but had some Magma flavour to it, not sure what it was