[Setlist Thread] September 3, 2024 @ The Armory · Minneapolis, MN, USA

so i’m a little confused here, what constitutes Reticent on a setlist? even without the Leah narration, is it just everything before Stu sings “lord of lightning shares his gaze”?

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Yeah, exactly.


makes sense. thx for the clari.

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ooh Mind fuzz beat. Balrog or Cello?

Sounds like Cellophane with Joey on the C# guitar

Gotta be balrog next

Edit: Nevermind lmao

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guitars teasing I’m in your mind, but that would be an unlikely segue


Cellophane there it is

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Someone predicted this!

wow this is amazing

Balrog after this PLEASE


once in a while ya love to hear one of those old fashioned Lord>Cellos

lord of lightning>cellophane ?

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→ cello imo

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i guess it could be considered a ->, but it was no different from your usual INIYM>Cello segue. depends on if you consider THAT a → or not

nah cello had a slightly extended intro with an i’m in your mind tease


AIIH tease

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i agree, considering all of the IIYM/Cello teasing the guitars were doing before the segue. it was very smooth

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Lord of Lightning tease as well