so i’m a little confused here, what constitutes Reticent on a setlist? even without the Leah narration, is it just everything before Stu sings “lord of lightning shares his gaze”?
Yeah, exactly.
makes sense. thx for the clari.
ooh Mind fuzz beat. Balrog or Cello?
Sounds like Cellophane with Joey on the C# guitar
Gotta be balrog next
Edit: Nevermind lmao
guitars teasing I’m in your mind, but that would be an unlikely segue
Cellophane there it is
Someone predicted this!
wow this is amazing
Balrog after this PLEASE
once in a while ya love to hear one of those old fashioned Lord>Cellos
lord of lightning>cellophane ?
→ cello imo
i guess it could be considered a ->, but it was no different from your usual INIYM>Cello segue. depends on if you consider THAT a → or not
nah cello had a slightly extended intro with an i’m in your mind tease
AIIH tease
i agree, considering all of the IIYM/Cello teasing the guitars were doing before the segue. it was very smooth
Lord of Lightning tease as well