No Salt Shed repeats confirmed
Stu is scared, debut??
Welcome to an Altered Table
Welcome to an Altered Future. Han Tyumi suite?
→ Digital Black. Here we go!!
looking or sounding sad and dismal.
They did kinda stop in between but I’d still lean towards a > Digital Black
holy shit Altered Future! finally a full Han Tyumi
Also wonder if it’s worth noting that Welcome was played on the table, or if that’s not something we want in the show notes similar to “normal” equipment/gear swaps
I’d say the latter, but it’s open to discussion.
kinda jealous they didn’t do Altered Future at Forest Hills…but Han-Tyumi &T MOTU was still my absolute highlight of the show
probably similar to the recent interpolation of the table into Loyalty, Garden Goblin, etc
Well I’m gonna be honest I still don’t know what song this is
Hopefully they do
Is this one of the TSC bonus Tracks? It sounds familiar but I don’t recognize it either
The guys absolutely, positively, the freakin most talented weirdo swarmers this side of the Milky Way. Lawd what a show
Ah, there we go. Swan Song, with crazy long intro
Set quotes
Edit coming once they get on with this next song lol