I hate lag not because it ends the stream but because it sends me back ten seconds somehow and I don’t notice
Getting into guitar stuff now with Theia still going. We’re so close to a transition into metal.
Table > guitar incoming?
Someone in chat said this is Sleep Drifter and I have no clue how they got to that conclusion lol
if they do → EDR
Dragon tease? What is that? (My “tease naming” game has been complete garbage lately )
i think it was hells riff-ish?
is that main bass line from another song?
TSC quotes
this could hypothetically → into fafyl
I’d be calling for Magenta Mountain if they had practiced it lol
Probably Motor Spirit. The song just has that in it. So many connections between PDA and TSC (it was so annoying to gather for the song histories)
Now its getting Dragon-y.
Not the metal guitars though! Gaaahhhh! What is reality?!!?!?!?
Theia surprising me lately. That acoustic performance was really good and this is good too.
The train whistle!
Motor Spirit in there?
was motor spirit
Oh shit, that’s on the stream? Lol
“Theia quotes in Theia” on KGLW.net right now lol I sure hope so (should be Silver Cord)