Standard guitars. Plastic Boogie. Still waiting to see if we get Sense on the metal guitars. These are my predictions. (Edit: wait Plastic Boogie is in C# too I think)
new album next
Selfishly hoping they save both of those songs for Philly…
crazy how the silver cord is the 2nd most played album this tour
i wish these camera folks would zoom out a bit. let’s see those hands!!
yeah plastic is C# so hopefully soon
gila monster next for the converge suite?
Gila was last night and it was sick
Guessing Plastic Boogie now. Hoping. Praying.
Does that count towards the light em up T counter?
Oh he said it anyway
What’s with me guessing songs one song/combo early?
Substantial metal sections these past two shows. I kinda figured they’d go heavier on the microtonal and do less metal this one for the balance. No complaints here!
Once again, I have guessed the song early.
Here comes the plastic
First since the Salt Shed on 6/13/2023!
They’re jamming Plastic Boogie now?!?!
This band seems good or something