[Setlist Thread] August 25, 2024 @ Megacorp Pavilion - Newport, KY

Standard guitars. Plastic Boogie. Still waiting to see if we get Sense on the metal guitars. These are my predictions. (Edit: wait Plastic Boogie is in C# too I think)


new album next :+1:

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Selfishly hoping they save both of those songs for Philly…


crazy how the silver cord is the 2nd most played album this tour

i wish these camera folks would zoom out a bit. let’s see those hands!!

perfect :clap:

yeah plastic is C# so hopefully soon

gila monster next for the converge suite?

Gila was last night and it was sick

Guessing Plastic Boogie now. Hoping. Praying.

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Does that count towards the light em up T counter?

Oh he said it anyway


Landing Jet Propulsion Laboratory GIF by NASA


What’s with me guessing songs one song/combo early?


happy dance GIF by PPKMKZZTT

Substantial metal sections these past two shows. I kinda figured they’d go heavier on the microtonal and do less metal this one for the balance. No complaints here!

Once again, I have guessed the song early.

Here comes the plastic

First since the Salt Shed on 6/13/2023!

They’re jamming Plastic Boogie now?!?!

This band seems good or something